Getting Feedback from web visitors

Getting Feedback from web visitors

Let's look at using fill-in forms to ask for feedback - and to position yourselves as experts in your respective fields.

Having a website that doesn't answer the questions that visitors arrive with is a waste of money - and with so many other websites out there your visitors won't stay long if they think the answer to their question cannot be found on your site.

Knowing more about your visitors means that you can create new content targeted to those people that otherwise were leaving your web site.

You can create new products or services on the basis of the feedback you receive from visitors that fill in the forms and you can better display all those great credibility building "quality statements"

Using several fill in forms on a single web site makes really good sense - rather than having a generic form for all products or services if you have a single form for a single product or service you can tailor the questions that you ask to the specific product or service.

In this way you can demonstrate the depth and breadth of knowledge about the product or service easily - and perhaps also ask for information that the visitor hadn't thought of or use it to "upsell" the visitor.

So for a wedding caterer you may have questions like:

"Other Services Available:

 Wedding Cars
 Uniformed Waiting Staff
 Table Displays
 Embossed Wedding Guest Book
 Individual Personalised Place Settings"

You can also have a fill in form prompt for new products or services - use this on a news page or new products page to say something along the line of:

"Help us provide new products or services - please indicate below if you have an interest in the product or service listed"

And then go on to detail the new products or services. This wouldn't be a commitment to provide the services but a great way to gauge the level of interest.

All of our projects come with unlimited numbers of fill-in forms - contact us for more information...

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2020
